Flat-packable plywood stool

Flat-packable plywood stool
By Mike Hindmarsh

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In-built wardrobe unit.

I just finished this job for a local family living in a small house needing more storage space. It incorporates decorative panels that they found (in the form of two sliding doors in a local op shop). 3.5 metres wide x 2.4 metre high.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New L.V.L. Lounge chair

A couple of shots by Jeanie Robertson of my new chair design.

 I'm setting up a few pieces, past and new, at The Corridor Gallery, 3 Haven road (Anne Rush's Gallery, Upstairs next to Arthouse architecture) today.

The exhibition will be up until May 13th.  Come up and check it out (and tell your friends!).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New LVL Lounge chair

Here's a design i just finished after having a bit more of a play round with the LVL used on the NMIT job. Might still paint the blue bits white, then get some good shots of it next week.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

KiaOra Mag.

My Flat-packed stuff just got a wee mention in 'KiaOra', Air New Zealand's magazine. Choice.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

NMIT Bench shot in Urbis

Cool shot of the benches i designed for NMIT in the latest Urbis design mag.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I've been working on a new lounge chair design of late. A bit more of a play round with the LVL I used on the NMIT job. LVL's a bit like using a modular construction toy, taking bits away and adding others to experiment with the layout and proportions.. Here's a few variations on the mock up for this chair.

 The form still needs a tweak and bolts covered over etc. I'll also paint the sides of each piece.

 It was pretty apparant to me straight away which one i was going to go with. Which is your pick?

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hiya, Here's some bunks i recently made for a local family. I added another safety rail to the end. Miro was a happy camper!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New furniture for the VAM at NMIT (or Visual arts and media @ Nelson Marlbourough institute of Technology!)

Hi All and hope you had a great break! We've been making progress on the furniture job for NMIT and the first coat of finish has been applied today.

 Tim Gemmell, who graduated from the Centre for fine woodworking last year, was a great help last week and we got the bulk of the benches and tables cut out sanded and assembled.

 It was a lot of blocks (120) and bolts (310) but we got there eventually. A bit like working with Duplo! I'll post some pics when finished in a few days.